Why Six Sigma?

Improve the process by reducing variation.

Six Sigma is a statistical term that equates to 3.4 defects per one million opportunities. Typical organizations/manufacturers operate at around three sigma, or 67,000 defects per million. 

Six Sigma is focused on:

- Eliminating scrap and rework
- Reducing processing time / errors
- Reducing production and development costs
- Decreasing cycle times and inventory levels
- Improving profit margin and customer satisfaction  

Six Sigma

Follow the DMAIC road map


DEFINE - Develop a clear definition of the problem
MEASURE - Deliver a robust system that can identify the "Good" from the "Bad"
ANALYZE - Develop the key to solving the problem
IMPROVE - Develop a practical, proven, permanent way to fix the process
CONTROL - Deliver a system to sustain the gains

Six Sigma Project Example

Reduce transponder defects by 90%

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Our Results


First Pass Yield improved from less than 20% to over 90%.